Sunday, January 19, 2020

Yellow or Blue? In Hong Kong, Businesses Choose Political Sides

Since the beginning of Hong Kong's protests in August 2019, the island has become more and more divided. This time, it's spreading to businesses as well. Many are choosing sides, either yellow or blue. Yellow represents the umbrellas protesters used to protect themselves from tear gas, while blue show support of the police.

The divide even runs within families, and there seems to be no middle ground. Some stores have pro-democracy Post-its on the walls, meant to mimic the Lennon Wall in Prague during the time of Soviet domination.

Since its return to Chinese hands after being a British colony, Hong Kong is only surpassed by New York and London as a financial center. The protests have shaken up the economy, pushing it into recession. Tourists from China, a large part of Hong Kong's economy, have stopped coming due to the violence.

Despite this, support of the protests has not diminished. The pro-democracy candidates won many victories in the November election, and there are still business owners supporting the movement despite the damage it does to the economy.

Amanda Leung, Hong Kong business owner: "'China should leave Hong Kong alone. We can do business our own way.'"

Yellow or Blue? In Hong Kong, Businesses Choose Political Sides

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