Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Waiving Rent and Making Masks, Afghans Meet Coronavirus With Kindness

In a country dealing with the coronavirus and a constant war with the Taliban, citizens in Afghanistan have responded to the threat of the virus to its citizens with kindness and service to others. There has been a shared sense of unity in easing the pain of this health crisis.

Landlords in some areas have been waiving rents, tailors have been handing out face masks, youth groups have been delivering food to hospitals and families in horrible conditions, televisions are broadcasting fundraisers and newspapers have championed rent reduction. Meanwhile, wedding halls and private schools have volunteered to be converted into hospitals. One city has storeowners who have set up basin and soap so people can wash their hands and another has locked down to reduce movement.

There are multiple cases of this in Afghanistan, and for me it is heartwarming that a country that has been dealing with the Taliban, poverty, and many national economic issues can have communities come together to try and fight the virus with acts of kindness versus fighting each other.

Waiving Rent and Making Masks, Afghans Meet Coronavirus With Kindness 

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